Can the Bull Market Be Sustained without the FED?

Market Update--
--Selling is proliferating - A/D line
--Dollar break-out signals risks ahead
--Holiday week could hold heavy trade
--Trading firms moved to Covid protocol

--I am NOT feeling the fear- dead VIX
--vol futures in big contango
--skew is low relative to recent moves
--VVIX remains in never never land

--FED has your back NO more!
--premium sellers be warned… risk could become extreme
--dip buying IF viable must be defined risk
--crypto is now moving with NQ

SPX Expected Move --
--last week -- 79.63 (expected move)
--next week-- 87.85

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1 Comment

  • RON

    December 18, 2021

    You must be mainlining coffee. I agree with you about the market's current situation. But, I been feeling that for over a year. Good scalping market.