The Market Just Got Serious - Here’s What to Do About It

Hope you enjoyed all the soapy froth, blowout earnings, and all-time highs we’ve seen over the past few months… …’cos it’s very close to being over with. The Warm, Fuzzy LoveFest of 2024 is hanging by a thread. This market, beneath the surface, has been a powder keg for the past three weeks or so.

It’s looking for a reason to blow - geopolitical risk coming out of the Middle East is just the catalyst, not the “why.” We’re close, folks. If the clusterf%^$* breaks open, we’re going to see damage inflicted all over the place. Tech, which has been unscathed lately, will start to sell off.

As I’ll show you in a second, you want to pay close attention to the VVIX - the volatility of volatility. You’re going to want to keep a close eye on the greenback, bonds, and gold, too. Let me walk you through what’s happening here and how you should get ready…

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